Production is one of the features of KaHero that allows users to track and manage items that are in the process of being created or produced.

Add Production in the Back Office

Steps on how to add production in the Back Office

Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to add production in your composite item in the Back Office.

Step 1: Enabling Inventory Management on KaHero POS

To use Production, you must first enable the Inventory Management feature on KaHero POS. You can skip this step if you've already enabled it.

Let's get started:

  1. Tap the Navigation icon on the upper left on your screen.
  2. Swipe down until you see the Settings category and Features. You can also use the search bar and type 'Features'.
  3. Tap Features.

Redirecting to Features screen

  1. Tap Inventory Management to enable the feature.
Enabling Inventory Management feature
Inventory Management is a pro feature available with a KaHero PRO subscription. Upgrade now to unlock this and other advanced features!
Great! You've just enabled the Inventory Management feature through KaHero POS.

Step 2: Adding Raw Materials

Before adding Production, ensure that all your ingredients have been added under your Item. Skip this step if you've already done it.

Let's get started:

  1. Access the Back Office by tapping the Navigation icon, scrolling down to Back Office, or using the search bar within the app. You can also use this direct link:

Redirecting to Back Office

  1. On the Navigation Menu, click or hover the tag icon or Listings > Items.

Redirecting to Item Listings

  1. Click New Items button on the upper right of your screen. A pop-up window will appear.

New Items pop-up window

  1. Under the Add Item window, fill up the following details for your ingredient.
Make sure to enable Raw Material ONLY for it to identify as a raw material or ingredient.

Filling up details for an ingredient

Need help on adding items? Click here.
  1. Once done, click Save.
  2. Repeat number 3 to 5 until you've finished adding your ingredients.
Nice! You've just added your item ingredients.

Step 3: Making a Composite Item

After putting all your ingredients in the Back Office, you can now add them to your desired composite item.

If you haven't added your composite item yet, follow this step. You can skip this if you've already added it.

Let's get started:

  1. Click New Items button on the upper right of your screen. A pop-up window will appear.

New Items pop-up window

  1. Under the Add Item window, fill up the following details for your composite item.
Make sure to enable Composite Item for it to identify as a composite item, and also enable For Production to be able to add your item in production. Additionally, make sure that the Beginning Qty is zero (0).

Making a composite item

You've just input your composite item. Way to go!

Step 4: Adding Ingredients to your Item

Now, you can add your ingredients to your composite item for production.

You can add your ingredients after inputting your item details in the Add Item pop-up window, or you can click the pencil icon to edit if you've already added your item.

Let's get started:

  1. Click on the Item Ingredients tab.

Opening Ingredients tab

  1. Click Add Ingredients. A pop-up window will then appear.
  2. Under the Add Item Ingredient window, you can...
Raw Material - Select the ingredient you want to add.
Quantity - Input how much you need to make one (1) item (ex. White Cake will need 2 eggs).

Adding ingredients

You cannot add duplicate ingredients.
  1. Click Save to save your changes.
  2. Repeat number 2 to 4 until you've finished adding your ingredients.
All ingredients added to composite item
  1. Click Save.
Yay! You've just finished adding your ingredients to your item.

Step 5: Adding Composite item to Production

You can now add your composite item along with their ingredients to production.

Let's get started:

  1. Click or hover the box icon or Inventory Management Production.

Redirecting to Production

  1. Click Add Production on the upper right of your screen. A pop-up window will then appear.

Add Production pop-up window

  1. Inside the Add Production window, you can...
A. Notes (Optional) - Input any notes here for your production.
B. Warehouse - Choose a warehouse where you want your ingredient stocks deducted and your stock items added; the warehouses must be the same.
C. Add Item - Click to add the item.
Add Production pop-up window
  1. Once done inputting the following details, click Add Item. A pop-up window will then appear.
Add Production, highlighting Add Item button
  1. Under Add Production Item window, you can...
Select Item - Select the Composite Item you want to add. *
Quantity - Input the quantity of the production.

* Only items that enabled the Composite Item will appear.
Add Production Item pop-up window
  1. Once done, click Save. You will then be redirected to the Add Production pop-up window.
Add Production pop-up window
  1. You can edit the item through clicking the pencil icon, or delete it by clicking the trash bin icon.
  2. If done, click Save.

A new production will be added in the Item Production List.

Nice one! You've just added your item for production.

Viewing your Item Production in Item Production List

You can view your item's production details in the Item Production List.

Let's get started:

  1. Click on the eye icon or the View button on any item you wish to view the production details. A pop-up window will appear.
Opening the production item details

This is what you'll see inside.

Production Item pop-up window
You can check the Stocks On Hand under Item Stocks to verify if the production was added and if the ingredients used in the production have been deducted. The item's stock will be increased accordingly if the item is added to production.
Item Stocks highlighting a production item
Nice job! You've just learned how to create, add, and view your item for production.