You can easily update your stocks in the Back Office.

Video Tutorial for Updating Stocks (Back Office)

Let's get started:

  1. Click the box icon / Inventory Management > Item Stocks.
Item Stocks interface
  1. Select and click a warehouse through a drop-down button.
Selecting a warehouse
  1. Select any item you wish to update. You can search your item through clicking the magnifying glass icon / Search button in Name.
  2. Press Enter on your keyboard to search the item.
Searching for an Item
  1. Click Update Stocks of the item you wish to update. A pop up window will then appear.
Updating an Item
  1. Under Update Stocks pop up window:
A. Auto-Compute - Enable auto compute to automatically compute new additional stocks.
B. Manage Stocks - Select Yes if you want to add stocks with this item, Select No if not. *
C. Minimum - This will add limit to your stocks. A notification on the KaHero Analytics will appear when you hit that minimum stocks.
D. On Hand - Input the quantity of stocks you want to add here. Also, by putting negative quantity it will deduct your current stocks on hand.
(ex. -23)

* Manage Stocks must be set to 'Yes' to update and add your stocks to this item.
Update Stocks pop up interface
  1. If done, click Save.
Great! You've successfully updated your stocks.