KaHero POS empowers you to effortlessly apply discounts to both your items and sales, maximizing flexibility and boosting customer satisfaction.

To create and configure your discounts:

  1. Open the Navigation Menu.
Register Interface
  1. Scroll down to locate the Discounts under Listings.
Side-bar menu highlighting Discounts under Listing
  1. Press the plus (+) icon.
Discount List interface
  1. You will be redirected to Add Discount screen.
Add Discount interface
  1. Input the name of the Discount and its corresponding value in the spaces provided below.
Filling up of Discount Name and Discount Value
  1. Select whether you'd like the value to By Percentage or By Whole Number.
    1. By Percentage - a percentage of the transaction's or item's total amount will be deducted from the grand total.
    2. By Whole Number - a specific number of the transaction's or item's total amount will be deducted from the grand total
Options for Discount
  1. Press Save to add the discount you created.
Bravo! You have now successfully added your first discount.