In this session, you can edit an item to include an item option and its details.

Let's get started:

  1. Hover/click the Tag icon/Listings > Items.
Item Listings interface
  1. Click the pencil icon / Edit on any item you wish to add an option.
Adding Item Option
  1. Click Add Option. Under Add Option menu:
A. Item Option - Input your Item Option name.
B. Item Price - Input your items price.
C. Item Cost - Input your items cost .
D. Unit - Input your items unit. (ex. pc, scoop, ml, grams)
E. Sales Warehouse - Select your warehouse. *
F. Beginning QTY - Input your items beginning quantity.
G. Copy Item Price - Enable if you want your items price on Register and Online Store be the same. **
H. Option Color - Assign a color of your Item Option.

* Only appears when Inventory Management PRO feature is enabled.
** The Online Catalog will appear when you enable the Online Store PRO feature.
Add Item Option pop up window interface
  1. If done, click Save.
Save button under Add Item Option
  1. Under Item Options, you can also;
    A. Sort your items automatically in alphabetical order through Sort Modifier.
    You can sort your Item options by;
    A1. Dragging your item option to your preference.
A1. Sort Item Options (Dragging)

A2. Clicking Reset to return to the previous sorting.

A1. Sort Item Options (Reset)

A3. Clicking Submit to save or Cancel to cancel your changes.

A3. Sort Item Options (Save or Cancel)
  1. If done, click Save.
Yay! You've reached this far. You can now add and sort your item options.