Adding Items

Items plays a crucial role in businesses, serving as essential components for operations and sales. Adding items to your account is effortlessly and swiftly accomplished within the KaHero POS system.

To add an item to your listing:

  1. Press the Navigation Menu icon.
Register Interface highlighting Navigation Menu
  1. Scroll all the way to Listing, and press Items.
Side-bar Navigation Menu highlighting Listing and Items
  1. Click the plus (+) icon at the bottom right of your screen.
All Items interface highlighting Add Item button

You will then be redirected at the Add Item screen.

The Add Item feature lets you add and customize your item, such as their description.

To change the Item Name (Green) and Item Price (Red):

  1. Enter the following details on the blank space provided below.
Item Name and Item Price in Add Item screen

To categorize your Item:

  1. Press the dropdown icon in No Category.
Adding an Item and selecting its Item Category
  1. Choices will then be presented, select accordingly.
  2. If none of the categories matches your items, simply press Create Category.
Category options
  1. You will then be redirected to the Add Category screen.

Add Category

In this section you can customize your own category.

Add Category interface

To create a Category:

  1. Enter the Category Name and Sort Id in the fields below.
Add Category screen highlighting Category Name and Sort Id
  1. Select a color for a category.
Various colors to select for Category
Placing a color in each category can make them more distinct, allowing for easy identification and sorting.
  1. Under Hide From Register:
    1. Enabled - If you want to hide the Category from Register.
    2. Disabled - If you want to show the Category from Register.
Hide From Register switch button

Buttons and their description:

  • Assign Item - to add existing items to the Category.
  • Add Item - to create a new item for the Category.

To assign an existing item to the Category:

  1. Press the Assign Item button.
Assign Item and Add Item button
  1. Select items you want to add to your Category.
Assign Items to Category interface
  1. Press Save to save your changes and proceed. You will be sent back to Add Item screen.
Add Category Interface
Yay! You have now successfully added a new category.

Adding Items (cont.)

Now let's continue with Add Item.

Add Item interface

Under the No Category section, you can find the item details.

To edit an item detail:

  1. Press the dropdown button of Details.
Details button highlighting dropdown icon
  1. Set the item's SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), Item Cost, and Unit of Measurement (kg/inch/ml) by pressing and entering the information in the blank spaces provided below.
Add Item interface, highlighting SKU, Item Cost, and Unit of Measurement
  1. For Barcode:
    1. Press the Barcode text field to manually enter the barcode of the item.
    2. Press the Barcode icon on the right side to use a Device to scan and enter the barcode for you.
Barcode section
When you choose to scan the Barcode using a Device, a permission will pop-up. Make sure to click Allow to continue the process.
  1. Under Sold By:
    1. If item is sold by each, press Each.
    2. If item is sold by weight, press Weight.
Sold By section options

You can customize the item's appearance on the application by either choosing a color or using an image.

To use a color as a representation for your item:

  1. Select a color that you prefer.
Various colors for an Item

To use an image as a representation for your item:

  1. Press the Image button.
Representation on POS, highlighting Image button
  1. Under Image:
    1. If you want to upload an image from your device, press Choose Photo.
    2. If you want to take a photo using your device, press Take Photo.
  2. A permission will pop-up. Make sure to click Allow to continue the process.
Options under Image in Representation
  1. Press Save to add the item and save everything.
Job well done! You've successfully added and customized your item.