Item modifiers are item options that can be assigned to items. Examples are product fillings or toppings or add-ons in general.

Creating Item Modifiers

Item modifiers can only be created on the Back Office of KaHero POS.

Let's get started:

  1. On the Navigation Menu, select Back Office to access the back office. You can also click here for the link.
Navigtion Menu > Back Office
KaHero POS Back Office option
  1. Login your account and hover/click the tag icon / Listings > Items.
  1. Click the Modifiers tab > New Modifier to create a modifier.
Item Listing Modifier interface
  1. Add a label to your modifier. You can label it as the parent item/s or item category to which the modifiers should be assigned.
    (ex. If you want to add modifiers to your drinks category, label it as "Milktea")
Sample Modifier for 'Milktea'
  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Add Layer to your modifier. You can add multiple layers in your modifier.
'Milktea' modifier
  1. Input your Layer Name.
  2. If you want to select your modifier more than one (1), enable Multiple-Based. A sample will be "Add-ons".
  3. When Multiple-Based is enabled, you can specify how many can be added to your item. (ex. you can only allow adding 2 add-ons in your item)
Add Modifier Layer pop up window
  1. If done, click Save.

To edit and add your Item option under Modifier Layer:

  1. Click the pencil icon / Edit on your chosen layer.
Your modifier won't appear in the Register if you don't add Item Options under your Modified Layer.
Add ons modifier layer
  1. Click Item Options > Add Option.
Adding Item Option in Modifier
  1. Add details to your Modified Layer.
Item Name - Input your item's name.
Item Price - Input your item's price.
Item Cost - Input your item's cost.
  1. If done, click Save.
Sample Item Option for Modifier
  1. You can also Edit, Delete, Sort your Modifier and Modified Layer just by clicking the action buttons.
A. Click to Edit your Modifier and Modified Layer.
B. Click to Delete your Modifier and Modified Layer.
C. Click to Sort your Modifier and Modified Layer, to sort just drag the item where you want position it.
Interface for Item Modifier
Nice! You've just added your modifier.

Importing Item Modifiers

This feature allows you to add your new modifiers in a bulk using an Excel spreadsheet template.

Let's get started:

  1. In your Modifiers tab, click the triple-dot icon (⋯) or More Options.
Modifiers tab active
  1. Click Import Modifier.
Import Modifiers
  1. Click Download Template. An excel file named "modifier_template.xlsx" will then be downloaded.
Import Modifiers interface, highlighting Download Template
  1. Encode your modifiers.
Don't change all in row 1.
Inside "modifier_template.xlsx"
  1. If done, Save your file.
  2. Go back to Back Office and click on Browse.
Import Modifiers interface, highlighting Browse
  1. Upload your excel file > Open > OK.
Yay! You've just successfully imported your item modifiers.

Adding Item Modifiers

To use the Modifier, you must first apply it to your Items.

  1. In your Items tab, click Set Modifier on the item you want to add modifiers to.
Item Listing interface
  1. Enable the modifier you want to apply in your selected item.
  2. Click Save.
Set Modifiers to Selected Items
  1. The modifier will then be added to your item.
Great! You have just applied your modifier to an item.

Applying Item Modifiers (POS)

You can apply your item modifiers in KaHero POS.

Video tutorial on Applying Item Modifiers on KaHero POS

  1. This is how your items with modifier will show on the register:
Modifiers on the register
Register screen
  1. If a customer would like to have add-ons, tap Yes.
Modifiers pop-up
  1. This is your modifiers screen. Select which modifier your customer wants. You can select several choices. Tap Add Item Add-ons.
Modifiers screen
  1. This is how your item and its modifier will be shown on your ticket screen. Proceed to payment.
You're good to go!