Add and modify your customers in the back office. You access the back office through KaHero POS app or through this link:

Adding Customers

You can add your customer in the Back Office.

Let's Get Started:

  1. Hover or click the user icon / Customers.

Redirecting to Customers page

  1. Click New Customer on the upper right of your screen to add a customer. A pop-up window will appear.
Customer List interface
  1. Under Add Customer modal, you will input your customer's Name, Email, Phone Number, and Address.
Add Customer modal interface
  1. Once done, click Save.
Great! You've just added your customer through the Back Office.

Importing and Exporting Customers in the Back Office

KaHero Back Office provides features for importing new customer information and exporting existing customer data.

Importing Customer information

You can import your customer data through an Excel spreadsheet or use a template from the Back Office.

Let's Get Started:

  1. On the same page, click on the 3-dots (⋯) icon / More Options > Import Customer. A pop-up window will appear.

Importing customer

  1. Click Download Template to download a template from Back Office. An excel file named 'Customer_Template.xlsx' will be downloaded.
Downloading Template
  1. Inside the 'Customer_Template.xlsx', you can...
A. name - input the name of your customers.
B. email - input the customer's email.
C. number - input the customer's phone number.
D. address - input the customer's address.
E. totalPoints - input the total points of your customer.
F. totalSpent - input the total amount your customer spent in your store.
'Customer_Template.xlsx' file
Do NOT edit everything in row 1.
  1. Once done, save your excel file.
  2. In the Back Office, click Browse.
Importing excel file
  1. Find and choose the Excel file containing your customer data.
  2. Click OK.
Uploading customer data
  1. You will see your newly added customers in the Customer List page.
Newly added customers
Nice! You've just imported your customer's information.

Exporting Customer information

You can export your customer data through the Back Office.

  1. On the same page, click on the 3-dots (⋯) icon / More Options > Export Customer. An excel file named 'Customers.xlsx' will be downloaded.

Exporting Customer data

  1. In the excel file, you will see your customers and their information.
Wow! You've just learned how to add, import and export your customer information.