Integrate your store with QuickBooks. Connect your Kahero directly to your QuickBooks Online account to begin syncing your invoices in real-time.
To connect your Kahero POS to your QuickBooks, you must enable the QuickBooks feature first. Click the navigation bar and click Features under Settings.

Then scroll down and look for QuickBooks and enable it then save.

Click the navigation bar again and under Settings select QuicksBooks.

To connect your account, click on the Connect with QuickBooks.

After that, it will send you directly to the QuickBooks Online site. Login your account.

When done logging in, it will proceed to the next tab like the below image. Click connect.

Once connected the below image will appear notifying that you've successfully connected your Kahero account with QuickBooks.

After that, go back to Kahero POS QuickBooks and input your QuickBooks Company ID.

You can find your Company ID on your QuickBooks Online, go to Account and Settings and click Billings & Subscription.
Copy your Company ID and paste it in your Kahero POS QuickBooks, then save.

Once your done saving click on the Sync icon located on the upper right side.

Click on Fetch Data, Sync Items, Sync Customers to sync all your details from QuickBooks.

Once your done syncing your data's you can now input your Account Information, once done click save.