
Payment Types

Learn how to add different payment types to your POS account.

Adding Logo on your Receipts

Displaying company logos on the receipt.

Logging Out

How to Logout.

Setting Your Currency

Set up the currency used for your business transactions.

Forgot Password?

Forgot your password? Change or Recover your account with these steps.

Loyalty Program in KaHero POS

Learn how to setup your loyalty program in KaHero POS.


Add, edit and delete your devices in KaHero's Back Office.

How to Delete your KaHero POS Account

Learn how to delete your KaHero POS account.

Forgetting User PIN

For Admin Users Open the KaHero Back Office through the KaHero POS app or directly through the website ( Login using your KaHero POS account. On the "Navigation Menu", click "Users". Click "Edit" beside the user to check or change their PINs. This is the "Edit User" screen.

Working with Cash Rounding

Round your grand total to the nearest desired rounding interval and rounding rule.

Changing Date Format on KaHero POS

Change the date format of your receipts.

"Please Add Sales Warehouse" Pop-up Message

Fix for "Please add sales warehouse on general settings to proceed" message on the register for those with the Inventory Management feature enabled.

Disable non-admin users to delete Dine-in Open Tickets

Disable non-admin users from deleting saved dine-in tickets.

BIR Processing

Steps on How to Process your BIR with KaHero POS. Step 1: * KaHero user must first apply the eaccreg, to apply just click here []. Step 2: * Once your eaccreg account has been approved, notify us so that we can apply your Permit

QuickBooks Integration Manual

Integrate your store with QuickBooks. Connect your Kahero directly to your QuickBooks Online account to begin syncing your invoices in real-time. To connect your Kahero POS to your QuickBooks, you must enable the QuickBooks feature first. Click the navigation bar and click Features under Settings. Then scroll down and look

How to Scan Barcodes with Embedded Weight

This feature allows you to scan barcodes with embedded weight. When your scanning the barcode your item will automatically be added to the transaction with the indicated weight. To use this feature, login in to your Kahero App and go to General Settings under Settings. In General Settings, scroll down

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Have you any question which is not answered in this knowledge base? Contact us. We are here to help you.

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