Unreconcile Transaction is connected to your Cash Balancing on the KaHero POS. All pay out/in from the cash register will be recorded on Cash Balancing.

When you as a user has a payout for expenses or for any reason from the Cash Balancing like the given example above, it will show or be recorded on Unreconcile Transaction of Money Manager after your shift ends.
To reconcile your pay out, go to Money Manager click Unreconcile and select the pay out you want to reconcile.

After selecting, you must fill in all the below.
Date - a default date of when the payout was transacted will automatically be filled here.
Account - select your account.
Category - select your Expense Category.
Amount - the amount of the payout will automatically be filled here.
Note - fill if you want to leave a note.
Description - shows the description of your payout, on the left side you can attach any picture for documentation by clicking the image icon.
And click save to reconcile.

You can view your reconciled payout on Money Manager's Transactions.